Here’s hoping the sweet buds and spring growth showing early due to such confusing weather, survive until they are suppose to show their beautiful faces.

Hopeful hugs, Margie


  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Hope For The Birds… | Mirth and Motivation

  2. I love your “perce-neige”, the best sign to look for at the end of the cold winter (we are not yet there though). I like the sharp flower and the blurred background. It helps keeping the focus on the main subject of your picture.
    Hugs 🙂

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge : Hope « Cheryl Andrews

  4. This is always my flower of hope, and promises of warmer days to come. these are my favourite flower and it is lovely to see them here. Early they may be but they are designed to survive the cold. And they have a wonderful design inside with delicate green lines on the inside of the petals, if you take the time to lift up it’s head to the sky.

  5. whoa! wrong timing for those cute little plants! it’s not even february yet! i guess we just enjoy their beauty while they are here. thanks for catching and sharing, margie!

    • It has been pretty wild seeing buds everywhere and a friend with daffodils coming up! This guy I actually took last spring, certainly not as early as February, but this is an odd kind of winter where anything is possible.

  6. aw, perfect Margie.
    one of my favourites after winter -whether it was a harsh or mild one.
    there is just something about snowdrops that makes me smile.
    thanks for sharing 🙂

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